Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Final Class

In this class we finished off the space station and discussed the storyline.

My Character is a soldier who joined SS when they, created and then moved to Arya. He became the resident DJ, at the club, as he had an interest in DJ'ing. He was killed during mmshare failsafe system, where it killed everyone.

In our Dome I worked with Garrick on making the main Dome, which links to several other domes and mmshare. Inside the dome was a DJ booth, a bar and some lights and music.

I also had made a house previously, which had automatically opening doors, but we didnt end up putting any houses in. I also had made a dome design, but we didnt use it.

Here you can see the bar, as well as some lights, and entrance to mmshare and another dome.

In this shot you can see the DJ booth, the sign for the area, and one of the letters that must be collected to figure out the password to get access to mmshare.

Also we went around and looked at the other two classes lands. Unfortunately neither class had quite finished and so we didnt have the whole secret to figure out.

The St Albans class had made a a soccer field, except that it had a footy scoreboard and logos??? Although it was good as you could kick the soccer balls around and there was enough toilets for everyone.

The games class one was an evil futuristic flinders st. It looked quite good, had trains and the VU campus, but wasnt much to do except look, and wasnt able to hold my attention for very long.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Penultimate Class

This was our last class to work on our second life domes. Me, Garrick and Arthur turned the main dome into a dance floor with a bar and stage. I made a dome with furniture in it. We also have a uniform that we each wear.

Main Dome

My Dome

Monday, October 22, 2007

Three Weeks Left

This week is the second last week to work on our second life stuff. Me and Garrick worked on our dome.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

4th Last Class

We have now started working on making the world. I got roped into making the main dome, Arthur and I worked on making the Dome. Unfortunately due to limitations we couldn't make a hole in the bottom of the dome, which means that we have to make the whole top part 'phantom', unless we use some scripting and put in a teleporter or something.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Class number 10

This lesson we talked about that design and layout of our space dome. We got some pictures for inspiration from the web, and while some people piss-farted around with stupid pictures, some of us did some actual work.

Here are some pictures I found:

We also talked about the way of moving between areas in the domes. As well as possilby putting our own houses on the ground.

The Secret part of the space-craft is that people go around to different areas and they get different clues that help them get the password to get into m and m share. In m and m share they get a discount voucher for the gun shop

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9th Lesson

This week we had Dale and he showed us how to change the bullets in a standard popgun into something else.

I made several different bullets and nothing worked properly then I realised I had forgot to change one of the settings, then I made a couple of different ones. I had pillows, and ice cream carts as bullets. Heres a picture of my attack on Garrick.

Due to all the bullets eventually the server couldn't cope with so much stuff, so me and Garrick went to Yankee stadium and trashed it.

Week Number 8

In this class we watched a movie called Run Lola Run, which had multiple endings.

We also did some research about "alternative reality games", according to the definition on wikipedia. There was one where someone had set up a website and you access all the files, called "Troy".

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

half way there

In this class we, talked about stories, and how they are usually formatted. We also watched a episode of monkeys.

We also talked about our second life plan, in terms of what we are going to make our town as and the story behind it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

6th Class

In this class we had to make a shirt. Here is a picture of my guy with his shirt, its blue and has a logo on the back.

Then we had to make anything we liked, eg, bat, pants. I made a footy, i havent put a texture on it yet but hope to soon. Here is a picture of my guy holding it in his left hand

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Class #5

In class 5 we started building things. We started off by building a basic shape and loading a picture of ourselves onto it. I at one stage had about 50 of those rotating boxes covered with my beautiful face, but didn't think to get a screen shot until they were deleted.

Then after this we were given the task of making a house. I made a 3 walled house with pictures of my face on it. Then I put some furniture. Unfortunately people came of my house and started trashing it. So I made a 4th wall and locked them in there. This was good until i decided to move my house, due to all the rubbish around it, and everyone was set free.

Here is a picture of my character posing for the camera:

I think that guy in the background is dale checking me out

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

4th week

for this week we had dale as our teacher. our task for today was to go around on second life to 3 different places and write a small report thingy on them.

AM Arena: This is a baseball arena which they rent out to people, it looks really good and complicated to make. It was good, because you can take people there and attack them with weapons.

Minarlo Vite: A sports bar, looks like it was previously a casino but got shut down. Now it has games. It is different but

SunSeaBar Summit Sports: This place is a beach with a bar and a dancing area, as well as some beach sports stuff. Also there is places here you can earn money by dancing or cleaning.

We also had to make a bucket:
It took me ages to make a bucket because someone called Nathan Millson who shall remain nameless kept gaging me. I ended up doing it another day. Then when i did it i the first time i ddint get the bottom correct, but i did it later and it worked but i accidentally put the bucket into the ground before getting my screen shot.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Week 3

Second Life Character

Already have charcter so will use that - Milky Hird

  • Super-objective - Earn Money
  • See himself as (five keywords) - dancer/kool/strong/hip/popular
  • if was a car/food item/alcoholic drink/sport/action hero/animal I would be a..... - Ferrari/Pizza/Burbon and Coke/Table Tennis/The Flash/Wale
  • Dresses to accentuate my..... - Muscles
  • Dresses to hide my..... - Whats to hide?
  • leads with my....(body part) - Mouth (not sure what this means)
  • Idea of a good night is...... - A lot of dancing
  • Idea of a bad night is..... - no dancing
  • Value best friend because they..... - He has many friends but no best friend
  • Favourite book/film/TV show/music/web site - How to eat pizza/spiderman/passions/dance/youporn
  • Relaxing means..... - less dancing than usual
this character is going to be interesting

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

lesson 2

in this lesson we planned our island, Garrick, Dwayne and I are building a casino, some of the features are:




Pipe leading underwater



Glass windows

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

First Class

In first class of Writing for multimedia we talked about what multimedia is, things like second life (which i didnt know much or anything about).

We had a look at the assignments.

I created a second life account. We also created a blog for the class